
Fang, Weigui    |    China
Basic information
Short Biography

Weigui FANG, Distinguished Professor at the School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, Changjiang Scholar of Ministry of Education of China. Obtained a Ph.D. degree in Comparative Literature at the Technical University of Aachen (Germany) in 1992. After completing his post-doc thesis in 1992-1996 at the Institute of Chinese Studies of Trier University, he worked between 1996 and 2000 as research fellow at the Dept. of East Asian Studies in Goettingen. In 2002, he successfully completed the German ‘Habilitation’ procedure at the Dept. of Middle Eastern and Far Eastern Languages and Cultures of Erlangen University. Since 2001 he has been working, in the context of the Dept. of Communication Theory and the Dept. of Chinese Literature of Trier University, on a DFG-project. Since 2002, he is an associate professor at Erlangen University; since 2006: Distinguished Professor at the School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University; research fellow in the Centre of Literary Theory.

Main emphasis of his teaching and research

Comparative Literature; modern Chinese culture and literature; History of Concept; Sociology of Literature; international sinology.

Book publications

1. »Wenxue Huayu yu Lishi Yishi« [Literary Language and Historical Consciousness], Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2015.
2. »Ershi Shiji Deguo Wenxue Sixiang Lungao« [On the German literary thought in 20th century], Beijing: Peking University Press, 2014.
3. »Der Westen und das Reich der Mitte - Die Verbreitung westlichen Wissens im spätkaiserlichen China« [The West and the Middle Kingdom - The spread of Western knowledge in Late Imperial China], Wiesbaden/New York: Harrassowitz, 2013
4. »Selbstreflexion in der Zeit des Erwachens und des Widerstands – Moderne Chinesische Literatur 1919-1949« [Self-Reflection At the Time of Awakening and Resistance. Modern Chinese Literature 1919-1949], ‘Habilitation’ thesis (Habilitationsschrift), Wiesbaden/New York: Harrassowitz, 2006.
5. »Das Internet und China – Digital sein, digitales Sein im Reich der Mitte« [The Internet and China. Being Digital & Digital Being in the "Middle Kingdom"], Hanover: Heinz Heise, 2004.
6. »Das Chinabild in der deutschen Literatur, 1871-1933. Ein Beitrag zur komparatistischen Imagologie.« [The Image of China in German Literature, 1871-1933, A Contribution to Imagological Research], Frankfurt/Bern/Wien/Paris/ New York: Peter Lang, 1992.
7. »Brecht und Lu Xun. Eine Studie zum Verfremdungseffekt« [Brecht and Lu Xun, A Study on the "V-Effekt"], Stuttgart: Centaurus, 1991.
8. »Bulaixite« [Brecht], Shenyang: Liaoning People’s Publishing House, 1985.
9. Editor of »Sixiang yu Fangfa: Jindai Zhongguo de Wenhua Zhengzhi yu Zhishi Jiangou« [Ideas and Methods: Cultural Politics and the Construction of Knowledge in Modern China], Beijing: Peking University Press, 2015.
10. Editor of »Sixiang yu Fangfa: Quanqiuhua Shidai Zhongxi Duihua de Keneng« [Ideas and Methods: Possibilities of a Chinese-Western Dialogue in a Globalized Age], Beijing: Peking University Press, 2014.
11. Editor of »Wenxue Shehuixue Xinbian« [New Compilation of Sociology of Literature], Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing House, 2011.
12. Editor of »Aiqing de gushi – Deyu guojia qingshi san bai shou« [300 German Love Poems], translated into Chinese by Weigui Fang, Beijing: China Writers Publishing House, 1996.
13. Editor of »Den Kranich fragen. 155 Gedichte von Bai Juyi« [Asking the Crane. 155 Poems by Po Ch’ü-yi, translated by Weigui Fang and Andreas Weiland], Goettingen: Cuvillier, 1999.
14. Translator (into Chinese) of: »Bijiao Wenxue Daolun« [Hugo Dyserinck: Komparatistik. Eine Einführung, i.e. Introduction to Comparative Literature], Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing House, 2009.
15. Translator (into Chinese) of: »Yuwang dili« [Juerg Federspiel’s novel: Geographie der Lust, i.e. Geography of Lust], Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2001.

In addition, more than 100 scholarly papers were published in German, English and Chinese.